Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The hurrier I go, the behinder I get

My mother had those words in a framed picture in her bedroom. I think a friend gave it to her. My mom was one of the busiest people I've ever known. Until she became ill, I rarely saw her sit down and when she did, she was still working on something. She did her hand sewing and mending, as well as lots of cross-stitch projects while she watched a little television at night.

I've felt a bit like that saying lately. I seem to be really busy, but I still get behind in my projects. Lately, I've had lots of business and tax related things to take care of, and very little sewing has been done. Add to that, lots of my fall and Christmas listings just expired and you get a Bede Sisters Etsy shop with about half the inventory it had just a month ago.

In the past week, I did manage to make two new large bags. They are wonderful as diaper bags, as well as a great all day purse.

Tonight, I finished four baskets and I'm hoping for some sunshine tomorrow so can get them photographed and listed soon. I suppose the lesson is to keep working and eventually, you'll "behinder"?

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